By using the “Preview” knob you can easily hear the difference between the algorithms. Each pitching algorithm uses a different calculation that results in a different sound. With the “Method” box you can select a pitching algorithm. With the “Pitch coarse” slider we can now change the pitch of the tail in semitones. This is the time stretch and pitching area. In Edison, select the tail and then click the clock button. The tone (to pitch) is in the tail, not necessarily in the TOK. If you’d also pitch the TOK/PUNCH part, the attack of your kick will lose its strength or shape. To change the pitch of a hardstyle kick, only select the TAIL part of the kick. In Edison we can easily pitch hardstyle kicks. Your sample automatically opens up in Edison. Once you’ve added your sample, just click with your right mouse button on the waveform and click “Edit”. So, you’d have to find your own hardstyle kick sample and open it in FL Studio. Let’s just use the Noisecontrollers kick from my free hardstyle sample pack. To start pitching, we first need to have a hardstyle kick. In the next lesson, we will take a look at how to pitch a hardstyle kick with Adobe Audition. In this tutorial you will find out how to pitch your hardstyle kick in FL Studio.